Ice hockey is a game where there’s a lot of heat out on the ice, part of the reason we all love it, and we want it to remain out there and not in the stands. This is a Family Friendly Sport, first and foremost, so no bad language, and we always give away teams and fans a warm welcome. We’d like to remind you of some of the things you can do as a spectator which help make the matchnight experience great for everyone.

Stay Seated: Please stay in your seats during play. You may only leave your seat during a stoppage in play.
Stay Aware: Keep your eye on the puck at all times. It can leave the playing area at any time, and if it hits you it can cause injury. It will hurt!
Stay Cool: Enthusiasm, singing and chanting is great, but please do not under any circumstances use any foul or abusive language to anyone or about anything in the arena
Stay Nice: Do not act in an aggressive or intimidating manner towards anyone else in the rink, or anyone on the ice
Stay Sensible: Do not throw anything at anyone or onto the ice unless specifically permitted (e.g. during Chuck a Duck or Air the Bear)
Seek Help: If you need help, please ask a Steward, Security Guard or member of rink staff

We have Security and Stewarding presence at all our games, and please be aware the CCTV recording may be used to identify anyone causing any issue, and this can result in ejection and ban from the arena

If you see any incident and feel you have not been able to report it or wish us to investigate further, please use this form: