Commemoration of Remembrance Day has always been a huge part of the Milton Keynes Lightning season, and this year is no exception.  As a club, we are committed supporters of the Royal British Legion through the amazing fundraising efforts of the Milton Keynes Lightning Supporters Club.

This year, we will be commemorating Remembrance Day at our fixture on Friday the 10th November against Swindon Wildcats.  During that fixture, we will play in our commemorative jersey, and will welcome representatives of the Royal British Legion to join us for a presentation ceremony.

This year’s jersey is available for Own and Loan and replicas.  50% of the profits will be donated to the Royal British Legion.

Own & Loan costs £135 per jersey.  Jerseys will be worn in the game on the 10th November vs. Swindon Wildcats, and then available for collection along with a photograph with your player the following week at the game on the 18th November vs. Peterborough Phantoms.

To secure your Own and Loan jersey, please email to apply from 9.30am on Wednesday 25th October (first come first served after this time).

Replicas – orders are needed by noon on Sunday the 29th October to arrive in time for the match (as collection only).  They are a colour variant on the normal replica jersey listing here

Thank you for your support of this amazing cause.  Here is the jersey design.

MK Lightning Remembrance jersey 23/24